Monday, November 30, 2009

Free Jewellery gift vouchers

We have decided as it's Christmas, to give away one of our GIFT VOUCHERS to the first 25 people who email us, to the value of NZD50.oo.
Please forward us your name and address or the name and address of the person you would like it gifted to and we will send it to you. Be in quick so you can have it for Christmas. Only one voucher per email address and only one voucher can be used per purchase from our website range.
Even better than a fifty dollar voucher...if you purchase a ring from our engagement and wedding ring range or have something commissioned to the value of NZD1500.00 or more, we will increase the value of the voucher to NZD200.00. What a deal!!!
Check out our website on
We look forward to hearing from you soon on

Thursday, November 26, 2009

December is getting close.

I realised how close the other day when I purchased some milk and the best before date was 02 December.
It's getting scary close. We have four really big birthday coming up, not ones to miss, I mean parents and in-laws, and Christmas on top. It's all good. About time I got my act together, instead of just thinking about it.
At least the weather is heating up. Actually I think it is quite a bit warmer now that it normally is for this time of the year. We won't talk Global Warming. The seasons have definitley have changed from when I was a kid. But hay that was a while ago, and most things have changed. Our only constant.
Some how I have hurt my back. Can't even remember doing anything. But something has happened as it is quite painful. Have to work on that one. Wasn't helped though tonight carrying Soph to bed. She had fell asleep in our bed. We often have a movie night, though it is usually our Friday night treat, sitting in bed watching a movie. But we did it tonight. Dean went to the workshop, and the kids and I watched 'Surf's Up'. Very good. Ollie loved it. infact he wouldn't go to bed ubtil it had finished. Soph on the other hand fell asleep, two swims a day would do that. So I ended up carrying her. We will have to watch the balance tomorrow night.
Anyway might go and get ready for bed. Bit tired myself.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hampden Street Gala

Ooops, Silly me, I put the gold rate in NZD and it should have been USD. Makes a big difference in the amount. Lucky for us the exchange rate is good or the cost of metal would be a lot more expensive.

I'm baking cakes today for Sophie's school gala. We have never had to do it before. Spose that is what happens when your children end up at school. We went last year for a look and had a great time. The gala is tomorrow evening starting at 5.30pm. Should be fun and it is really nice to feel part of the school community. No doubt we will get drawn in to help next year, now we are getting in the swing of school life.

Have a great day, catch you later.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Gold prices

Wow, has anyone seen the latest gold price. It was NZD1142 per oz. that is the highest it has ever been. We had heard that they expect it to reach NZD2000.00 per oz in the next couple of years. Hard to believe, that that is the way it seems to be heading. People are moving away from the money markets into gold, and I spose with what the world has just been through you can see why.
I'm wondering if anyone is out there thinking about buying jewellery it would be a good investment not to mention the fact that it isn't going to get cheaper. In the last 10 years the price of gold has gone up almost two and a half times., and silver has doubled.
Not to mention diamonds, they are on the way up as well. If the exchange rate comes down again that will put the price up even higher for us as everything is done in US dollars.
Not much we can do about it, but it might be worth thinking about making a jewellery purchase if you have any spare cash.
Just a thought...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Coughs and colds, or a put on.

Not much work done today unfortunately. Soph is off school with a cough, well croup actually. Not bad, its what she gets when she is over tired. Last week we had a big week with lots of late nights and it has all caught up with her. Funny though she has only coughed a couple of times through the day.
It's been a nice day though, we have done some puzzles, colouring in and just hanging. Should really get her to do her homeworks ( I can't remember having homework at five). There is usally a battle at the end of the week to get it done.
I might go and try to get her to do some before I go and pick up Ollie.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dean Hawkins Jewellery, another busy week ahead.

Start to another week. Busy busy. It's all good. It's true you know as you get older the weeks get faster and faster. I don't know how that is because time is going at the same speed it always has... isn't it. Funny though. I remember when I was at school and the school holidays seem to last forever. Now even the term goes quick.
Anyway it is monday and only five and a half weeks left of term. So much to get organised. We have never had the summer holidays before as Sophie and Ollie and had preschool, which only closes for a month. It will be quite fun really. But before the holidays arrive there is lots to do. I'll have to start writing a list.
Anyway onwards with this week. Time to start ticking off some of my jobs, inorder to have a successful summer season for Dean Hawkins Jewellery.
Have a great day and a successful week ahead.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Time for play

It' the weekend, the weeks are flying by. It was a busy week. We have just started taking the kids to the pool for a swim. Ollie went for the first time the other day and had a big grin on his face all day, but couldn't work out at two why his legs were so sore the next morning. He didn't stop the whole time we were there. They both loved it. So that will be tomorrow morning sorted. A quite day today to catch up as had a few late nights then to friends for a BBq tonight. Looking forward to that.

Have a great weekend everyone. Catch you next week.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dean Hawkins Jewellerys available in Wellington

Real Aotearoa's store is now open and our jewellery is there looking great. For those of you that aren't in Wellington check out our Outlets on our website or purchase online in our secure store.

Christmas is just around the corner and if it is jewellery you are after check our Dean Hawkins Jewellery. If you can't decide, why not go for a gift voucher.

We love Christmas, it is so lovely seeing the kids open there presents and sharing them with us. Very cute. Spending time with family and friends. It's great and what it's all about. All this and it's summer. Who could ask for more.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Christmas is fast approaching

Boy, where has this year gone. It wasn't that long ago that Sophie started school and we are almost at the end of the year. Or at least having to start to think about it.
We have to start thinking about christmas deadlines and christmas post. Though we need to send all the Jewellery via courier. As Dean hand crafts all our jewellery himself, he needs time to make it and then time to courier it, so to avoid unneccessary dissapointment. So if you are thinking of jewellery, think of us, and get in soon to get your gifts on time.
Remember we also do gift certificates or vouchers for those of you who have those hard to buy for people in your life.
Let us make your Christmas an easy one.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

FQ, Next and KiaOra

I'm not sure I mentioned that over the last few months we have been advertising in the FQ, Next and KiaOra magazines. Have you noticed then? We are very pleased and think they look great.

As well Our website is working as we wanted and that the secure payment gateway is just that, secure and reliable.

Not quite sure where this week has gone, but I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Real Aotearoa's opened in Wellington

How exciting Real Aotearoa, a New Zealand Post shop has opened in Wellington and, yes, we have our Dean Hawkins Jewellery there. Real Aotearoa can be found at 1 Grey Street. How exciting! Don't forget to also view and if you aren't in Wellington, our range is available at This is fantastic for us and Real Aotearoa and hopefully great for Wellington.
Real Aotearoa also have outlets in Queen Street, Auckland and Cashel Mall in Christchurch. They all have a fantastic range of OUR Jewellery and other selected New Zealand artists working in a large range of mediums.

For a full range of our outlets please look at our website or contact us on +64 (3) 5480387.

Thank you Real Aotearoa for your continued support, we very much appreciate it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

updating the website

I've been spending this morning, when I should be doing the GST, adding weights and measurements to our jewellery peices in the store. What a job and I'm only part way through. We hope that it helps every one get a bit better feel for what they are looking at and an idea of the size, in the photos since you cant touch it. I'll keep working away. Its hard to do as Dean makes every thing so each peice is done individually, so everything has approx and about, as I can't be more acurrate than that. Have a great day. I may take a break as I'm looking at the computer screen a bit cross-eyed.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Zealand Labour day weekend

Another Labour Day weekend is upon us and I hope that every one have a great time. We are. We have done all sorts of lovely things as a family this weekend. The reason we have chosen to work from home, we don't have to worry about shop hours. We can work when and how we decide. Isn't Labour Weekend what it all stands for. Have a lovely weekend. Catch you next week.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Have you ever wondered?

Diamonds and engagement rings. What is it that you are actually getting? There is so much hype out there about what you are getting but how do you know that what you are getting is authentic or a standard that is set by the companies that are trying to sell you something.
I have this conversation regularly and have alway felt I needed to justify ourselves in comparison to those that work in this way. In actual fact I don't. Dean is one of the best jewellery around and he has that reputation, we use diamonds from a reputable supplier, using the authentic standard of diamond grading and we insist on maintaining that standard. Dean is about quality craftsmanship. Our business is based around Dean. He is our jeweller. If you are purchasing something from us, Dean is the person who will create it. We are a small New Zealand business with a very talented jeweller.
We do not have a shop of our own because we wanted a family and a nice lifestyle. Because Dean is in demand, every one wanted to speak to Dean, he would then at the end of the day have to create the pieces that were commissioned during the day. We would never see him. I worked in the shop as well and as we work as a team, it wasn't going to be easy to do both or fair on either. Having a shop and family wsn't what we wanted. It may work for some but not us. We chose family and lifestyle and have found a way to do both that suits us. We are happy with the decision we have made and the life we have chosen.
We like what we like, choose to buy New Zealand made where possible, we definitely are not into buying cheap rubbish or landfill as it has called. We buy quality, buy it once and buy it to last. So that is what we like personally and the way we like to live and we wouldn't want or do anything less for others. We live our life authentically and with integrity and we truely hope that that comes through in the jewellery we create. We sleep soundly at night and enjoy what we have created and are happy with the choices we have made.
But getting back to what I started to say and where my blog today was headed. diamonds, engagement rings and quality. There are people who you can trust and have faith in what they do and there are those you could question. There is no need for Dean Hawkins Jewellery to try to justify where we stand in the industry. We just do! and am proud of it!!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hello again

Hi, well where has the last few weeks, not days, gone. We went skiing to Turoa for a week. That was fun. Ollie didn't like it much though, may be next year. Soph learnt to ski in a couple of hours. Boy aren't kids amazing. Dean can ski anyway , but had fun trying to out do my brother and I learnt to snow board... sort of. I will try to perfect my technique next year. We have found a family sport that we will all be able to enjoy in the years to come.
There was also the school holidays.
Now the term has started and we are getting back into routines ( at least we're trying). Getting geared up for our summer season is a prioity.

Our website is looking amazing and works well at last. You just have to get the right team behind you. Thanks again Meta.

The wedding season is upon us again and over the next wee while I shall talk about what we think is important to know when looking for engagement and wedding rings. I will also add a couple of engagement ring to our ever growing range. Check out

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

website changes

Over the next few days we will have some new features in our website, and we are very excited about it. Keep an eye out and take a look. We know they will make your experience with our shop and gallery an even more enjoyable and pleasant one. Thanks Metasolutions.
Spring is here thank goodness and with it the fine weather, at least for now. It was a beautiful day today. Its a great time of year. And with spring comes the wedding season. So if any of you are deciding to get engaged or have already, give us a call, for we would love to help you with the perfect engagement ring. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Commissioned jewellery

Dean and I really love to help people decide on a design for there special piece of jewellery, be it an engagement ring, wedding ring or just something for the sake of it, possibly another special occassion. We do listern to your needs as well as your wants and help you to come up with something that you will treasure for a lifetime. It's jewellery for those who would rather not settle for the ordinary. Have a look at and contact us to see what we can do for you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Next and FQ magazines

This month we have ads in the FQ magazine and the Next magazine in the directory sections. So keep an eye out when you are flicking through.
We had a huge storm last night, wow it was quite impressive, lightning and really loud thunder. Our house even shook. No where as bad as a lot of people experience in other parts of the world. Sophie and Ollie luckily slept through it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ollie got the flu

Haven't been up to much lately as Ollie got the flu, so along with many mums, oh and dads, I got stuck to the couch. He is all better now but is taking a time to get my head back into the swing of things. During this time he has decided that he doesn't need day time sleeps. He informed us this morning that "boys don't sleep". Oh great.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Winner has been drawn!

Congratulations goes to Georgina Collins, whos name was drawn for the Sterling silver and Paua Tree pendant. We will be intouch soon Georgina.

Thank you to all those who put their name in the draw, and on the list to receive our Dean Hawkins Jewellery Newsletter. We look forward to being in touch and sending you our quarterly newsletters.

We hope every one has a wonderful weekend. From Dean and Lisa.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dean's birthday cake success

Well I thought I had a disaster on my hands. I in the end over cooked the cake I made for Dean's birthday yesterday. I was coming up with all these ways we could use it, ie crumble it over ice cream etc or did we just start again. Dean said it was the thought that counted so we went with it. It ended up being delicious, not as moist as it was meant to be but good all the same. He has had some more with a coffee this morning and said it was even better than last night. So that is good... things do turn out if you give them time. I was very nervous.

When we got married we decided to make it a tradition that we took the day off from work and did something nice together. Unfortunately this year Dean had so much work on this week with a deadline for friday, that that was not possible this year. So we will have a raincheck day some time soon. Though he did get a pait of ski pants and some gloves, so a friend has asked him to go skiing next week. He is really looking forward to getting back into skiing. Something that he hasn't had the opportunity to do for the last few years. He loves skiing. Unfortunately I have really not had the change to learn, so I'm in for a few bumps and bruises I would imagine. My brother wants to get us up to Turoa this year. Dean is really keen. It is a great family sport I think, so we will give it ago.

I think Dean had a nice day yeaterday, despite haveing to work and a near cake disaster. Sophie made us have candles and balloons. Very cute.

Tomorrow is the big announcement for the Sterling silver and paua tree pendant. We will keep you posted. Very exciting!

We are making a few fine tunes to out web site,, which we hope will make the whole experience for our customers, more enjoyable. We hope that you will feel safe and assured of what we do, who we are and comfortable with the experience. Please let us know if you have any suggestions as we are happy to listen.

Until tomorrow... have a great day...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Another month gone...

Boy where has the time gone. Heaps has happened within the family. Sophie turned five and went to school. She seems to be settling in well or though getting her to school is a bit of a mission. She is really happy though when we pick her up at the end of the day, so we don't think it is as bad as she makes out. Its a great school and we are happy with it. I think settling a five year old into a school environment would have to be one of the most stressful things you can do as a caring parent. At least I found it so. I am only now starting to feel myself again. What an intense time. 
Ollie has settled into his new pre-school and its as if he's been there for years. An old pro. He loves it and has several of the older girls looking after him, anazing at two, what is he going to be like when he is older. At least he is happy and well looked after.
It's Deans birthday tomorrow, so I'm in the middle of baking him a cake... better not let it burn.

Now that life is feeling a little more settled and every one where they are meant to be, I can get stuck in again and do what it is that I do.  Thanks Norm and the guys from Meta Solutions, the blog looks great.

Very exciting time coming up whan we announce the winner of our Jewellery prize, a sterling silver and paua tree pendant. So watch this space it could be your name drawn if you joined our Dean Hawkins Jewellery Newsletter. August 7th is the day. I will post it here and on our website,

Better go and take the cake out of the oven. I've tried for the first time a chocolate hazelnut cake. Never made it before. I have my fingers crossed, so far its not cooking and still very wet in the middle. That is what happens when you experiment I spose.

It's getting late and I have a cake to rescue, so I will say good night and will thing of something jewelry related to say tomorrow. Bring on some focus. Night everyone.

Friday, July 3, 2009

getting ready for school

Boy what a week. No posts this week, guess mind on other things. Ollie has sort of started at his new preschool and Soph is had her last school visit and has had her fare well party and last day at preschool. Mother has shed a few, well quite a few tears, but fell under control at the moment.

We have two weeks of holidays and the Sophs birthday. A combined party with our god daughter, as her birthday is the same weekend. May as well do one large party and go all out for their fifth. Then school starts.. a whole new ball game when you have to take note of the holidays and holiday, (if you get the chance) with the rest of the country. Change. Even change for the good can sometimes be hard to take. Why is that?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Change of blogg address

Hi it has been suggested for us to change our blogg aggress so we have.  to this one. 

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cold and windy

Its a cold and windy day in Nelson. It looks like it wants to rain but hasn't managed. Long may that last. Nice day to cruise, though Dean still working on the helves for the linen cupboard.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Busy time in our house.

Dean has been working away on some jewellery and some customer jobs last week, which is good.

I've been sorting out some stuff, GST, accounts and office stuff, in between looking after Ollie, not at preschool at the moment until Sophie leaves for school next term.

Boy settling in your first child into a school environmentfor the first time is quite a big deal and emotional. Soph has finally said that she is going to like her new school, but doesn't want to leave her preschool. Her liking her school is good. What a relief.

I'm trying to come up with some new jewellery designs, not easy when your mind is in so many different camps at the moment. Bring on the new routine, but having said that, gone will be the cruisy preschool days. Our wee girl is growing up. Where did that five years go?

Sophie has gone to soccer with her nana and Ollie is having a snooze. Dean is building some shelves for our hall linen cupboard. Long over due we have been in our house for almost five years and we have made do as you do. It will be nice to have a bit of order. Looking forward to the beginnings of some order. Oh yeh I've been asked if I want to work for a couple of days as a Homoepath in one of the local Health centres. Something to think about. I've gone on about getting back into it, and here is an opportunity. Better tell Dean while I remember.

Just had a phone call from Mum to go and collect Soph from soccer, so better go do it.

Have a great weekend! See ya, Lisa

Farewell Michael Jackson

Wow, who would have thought the world would have been farewelling the King Of Pop, Michael Jackson. You just never know when your time is up. He influenced so many people and I'm sure he will be missed.
Rest in peace.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Join our newsletter and WIN!

Log on to our website and join our mailing list before the end of July 2009, and go in the draw to win one of our stunning signature Sterling Silver and paua pieces worth NZD$195.00.

Winner will be notified by email on the 7th of August 2009.
Look forward to getting your entries.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What to say?

Not sure where to begin. As I've said this is a blog to go along side our website This is a jewellery website with an online shop selling contemporary kiwiana and european inspired designs. Designed by both Dean and Lisa and handmade by Dean. We also do alot of commissioned work for customers all over the world.

Dean has had almost thirty years as a manufacturing jeweller and has a successful business being one. As you can imagine there are little pieces of jewellery created by Dean all over the world.Infact we were on a train once on our way from Venice to Milan when we spyed a pair of earrings made by Dean, being worn by an Australian woman. She purchased them from a little shop in Melbourne. What a small world it is!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Introducing Dean Hawkins and his Family


I was going to blog last weekend but our son Ollie ended up with a 38.6degree temperature, so that kind of put paid to that. So anyway here we are and here is our family...

Dean, as you know is a very talented Jeweller. But did you know he is also a very accomplished builder and Gib stopper. He is amazing at problem solving in all areas and is passionate about every thing he does. People often ask how he can be as good as he is at the different things he takes on. Passion is part of if and building and jewellery are quite similar in a way. You use similar tools and it's using your hand, it's just the scale that is different. He's just cleaver, but I can say that because he is my husband.

Now me, Lisa. I'm Deans wife... obviously and work with Dean in our Jewellery business, Dean Hawkins Jewellery,, with the building thing on the side. I do all, well most of the Office Management stuff, alot of the design work along with Dean. I am a Homeopath by training, which I am very passionate about and need to get back into. As well as look after our two beautiful children., Sophie almost five and Ollie just turned two. Along with the help of their child care centres.

Sophie, almost five and very ready for school, which she starts in July just after the school holidays. She is such a lovely gently sensitive loving we girl who loves her little brother very much. She has told Nana that she wants to be a Jeweller like her Dad. Very cute. We'll wait and see.

Ollie has just had his second birthday a week. He is so hard case and a lovely we boy. Oh so cheeky and so cute. Very much being his own person.

Anyway Ollie's just got up and has started to help me type, so I'm going to sign off for now.

Until later ..Lisa

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dean Hawkins Jewellerys blog life begins

Wow how exciting...a blog... who would have thought we would be doing this.

It is a logical step I think, as we don't have a physical retail outlet of our own, our website is, (along with a few outlets that are listed on our website) our way of selling to you our valuable customer. You can find out a certain amount about the owner of the website and what they do and what they have to offer, but it is hard to really get to know who they are and develop any kind of relationship with them. With our blog we hope to achieve this.

So to introduce ourselves...

Dean Hawkins Jewellery. Based in Nelson, at the top of New Zealand's south island, Dean ans Lisa Hawkins are well known as creators of quality original Jewellery with a distinctive character and individual flair. Their designs are unmistakable.

Contemporary yet timeless, moving easily from their indigenous Kiwiana collection to more sophisticated European-inspired pieces.

Dean and Lisa can also be commissioned to create a piece that will be uniquely you.
Dean Hawkins Jewellery is highly regarded both locally and internationally. With the quality of craftsmanship and originality in design, it's jewellery for those who would rather not settle for the ordinary.

Please keep checking out our blog and we will introduce our family and let you into our world. Until then, good night, and catch you soon.

Dean and Lisa