Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Introducing Dean Hawkins and his Family


I was going to blog last weekend but our son Ollie ended up with a 38.6degree temperature, so that kind of put paid to that. So anyway here we are and here is our family...

Dean, as you know is a very talented Jeweller. But did you know he is also a very accomplished builder and Gib stopper. He is amazing at problem solving in all areas and is passionate about every thing he does. People often ask how he can be as good as he is at the different things he takes on. Passion is part of if and building and jewellery are quite similar in a way. You use similar tools and it's using your hand, it's just the scale that is different. He's just cleaver, but I can say that because he is my husband.

Now me, Lisa. I'm Deans wife... obviously and work with Dean in our Jewellery business, Dean Hawkins Jewellery, www.deanhawkins.co.nz, with the building thing on the side. I do all, well most of the Office Management stuff, alot of the design work along with Dean. I am a Homeopath by training, which I am very passionate about and need to get back into. As well as look after our two beautiful children., Sophie almost five and Ollie just turned two. Along with the help of their child care centres.

Sophie, almost five and very ready for school, which she starts in July just after the school holidays. She is such a lovely gently sensitive loving we girl who loves her little brother very much. She has told Nana that she wants to be a Jeweller like her Dad. Very cute. We'll wait and see.

Ollie has just had his second birthday a week. He is so hard case and a lovely we boy. Oh so cheeky and so cute. Very much being his own person.

Anyway Ollie's just got up and has started to help me type, so I'm going to sign off for now.

Until later ..Lisa

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