Friday, June 26, 2009

Busy time in our house.

Dean has been working away on some jewellery and some customer jobs last week, which is good.

I've been sorting out some stuff, GST, accounts and office stuff, in between looking after Ollie, not at preschool at the moment until Sophie leaves for school next term.

Boy settling in your first child into a school environmentfor the first time is quite a big deal and emotional. Soph has finally said that she is going to like her new school, but doesn't want to leave her preschool. Her liking her school is good. What a relief.

I'm trying to come up with some new jewellery designs, not easy when your mind is in so many different camps at the moment. Bring on the new routine, but having said that, gone will be the cruisy preschool days. Our wee girl is growing up. Where did that five years go?

Sophie has gone to soccer with her nana and Ollie is having a snooze. Dean is building some shelves for our hall linen cupboard. Long over due we have been in our house for almost five years and we have made do as you do. It will be nice to have a bit of order. Looking forward to the beginnings of some order. Oh yeh I've been asked if I want to work for a couple of days as a Homoepath in one of the local Health centres. Something to think about. I've gone on about getting back into it, and here is an opportunity. Better tell Dean while I remember.

Just had a phone call from Mum to go and collect Soph from soccer, so better go do it.

Have a great weekend! See ya, Lisa

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