Monday, November 30, 2009

Free Jewellery gift vouchers

We have decided as it's Christmas, to give away one of our GIFT VOUCHERS to the first 25 people who email us, to the value of NZD50.oo.
Please forward us your name and address or the name and address of the person you would like it gifted to and we will send it to you. Be in quick so you can have it for Christmas. Only one voucher per email address and only one voucher can be used per purchase from our website range.
Even better than a fifty dollar voucher...if you purchase a ring from our engagement and wedding ring range or have something commissioned to the value of NZD1500.00 or more, we will increase the value of the voucher to NZD200.00. What a deal!!!
Check out our website on
We look forward to hearing from you soon on

Thursday, November 26, 2009

December is getting close.

I realised how close the other day when I purchased some milk and the best before date was 02 December.
It's getting scary close. We have four really big birthday coming up, not ones to miss, I mean parents and in-laws, and Christmas on top. It's all good. About time I got my act together, instead of just thinking about it.
At least the weather is heating up. Actually I think it is quite a bit warmer now that it normally is for this time of the year. We won't talk Global Warming. The seasons have definitley have changed from when I was a kid. But hay that was a while ago, and most things have changed. Our only constant.
Some how I have hurt my back. Can't even remember doing anything. But something has happened as it is quite painful. Have to work on that one. Wasn't helped though tonight carrying Soph to bed. She had fell asleep in our bed. We often have a movie night, though it is usually our Friday night treat, sitting in bed watching a movie. But we did it tonight. Dean went to the workshop, and the kids and I watched 'Surf's Up'. Very good. Ollie loved it. infact he wouldn't go to bed ubtil it had finished. Soph on the other hand fell asleep, two swims a day would do that. So I ended up carrying her. We will have to watch the balance tomorrow night.
Anyway might go and get ready for bed. Bit tired myself.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hampden Street Gala

Ooops, Silly me, I put the gold rate in NZD and it should have been USD. Makes a big difference in the amount. Lucky for us the exchange rate is good or the cost of metal would be a lot more expensive.

I'm baking cakes today for Sophie's school gala. We have never had to do it before. Spose that is what happens when your children end up at school. We went last year for a look and had a great time. The gala is tomorrow evening starting at 5.30pm. Should be fun and it is really nice to feel part of the school community. No doubt we will get drawn in to help next year, now we are getting in the swing of school life.

Have a great day, catch you later.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Gold prices

Wow, has anyone seen the latest gold price. It was NZD1142 per oz. that is the highest it has ever been. We had heard that they expect it to reach NZD2000.00 per oz in the next couple of years. Hard to believe, that that is the way it seems to be heading. People are moving away from the money markets into gold, and I spose with what the world has just been through you can see why.
I'm wondering if anyone is out there thinking about buying jewellery it would be a good investment not to mention the fact that it isn't going to get cheaper. In the last 10 years the price of gold has gone up almost two and a half times., and silver has doubled.
Not to mention diamonds, they are on the way up as well. If the exchange rate comes down again that will put the price up even higher for us as everything is done in US dollars.
Not much we can do about it, but it might be worth thinking about making a jewellery purchase if you have any spare cash.
Just a thought...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Coughs and colds, or a put on.

Not much work done today unfortunately. Soph is off school with a cough, well croup actually. Not bad, its what she gets when she is over tired. Last week we had a big week with lots of late nights and it has all caught up with her. Funny though she has only coughed a couple of times through the day.
It's been a nice day though, we have done some puzzles, colouring in and just hanging. Should really get her to do her homeworks ( I can't remember having homework at five). There is usally a battle at the end of the week to get it done.
I might go and try to get her to do some before I go and pick up Ollie.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dean Hawkins Jewellery, another busy week ahead.

Start to another week. Busy busy. It's all good. It's true you know as you get older the weeks get faster and faster. I don't know how that is because time is going at the same speed it always has... isn't it. Funny though. I remember when I was at school and the school holidays seem to last forever. Now even the term goes quick.
Anyway it is monday and only five and a half weeks left of term. So much to get organised. We have never had the summer holidays before as Sophie and Ollie and had preschool, which only closes for a month. It will be quite fun really. But before the holidays arrive there is lots to do. I'll have to start writing a list.
Anyway onwards with this week. Time to start ticking off some of my jobs, inorder to have a successful summer season for Dean Hawkins Jewellery.
Have a great day and a successful week ahead.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Time for play

It' the weekend, the weeks are flying by. It was a busy week. We have just started taking the kids to the pool for a swim. Ollie went for the first time the other day and had a big grin on his face all day, but couldn't work out at two why his legs were so sore the next morning. He didn't stop the whole time we were there. They both loved it. So that will be tomorrow morning sorted. A quite day today to catch up as had a few late nights then to friends for a BBq tonight. Looking forward to that.

Have a great weekend everyone. Catch you next week.