Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dean's birthday cake success

Well I thought I had a disaster on my hands. I in the end over cooked the cake I made for Dean's birthday yesterday. I was coming up with all these ways we could use it, ie crumble it over ice cream etc or did we just start again. Dean said it was the thought that counted so we went with it. It ended up being delicious, not as moist as it was meant to be but good all the same. He has had some more with a coffee this morning and said it was even better than last night. So that is good... things do turn out if you give them time. I was very nervous.

When we got married we decided to make it a tradition that we took the day off from work and did something nice together. Unfortunately this year Dean had so much work on this week with a deadline for friday, that that was not possible this year. So we will have a raincheck day some time soon. Though he did get a pait of ski pants and some gloves, so a friend has asked him to go skiing next week. He is really looking forward to getting back into skiing. Something that he hasn't had the opportunity to do for the last few years. He loves skiing. Unfortunately I have really not had the change to learn, so I'm in for a few bumps and bruises I would imagine. My brother wants to get us up to Turoa this year. Dean is really keen. It is a great family sport I think, so we will give it ago.

I think Dean had a nice day yeaterday, despite haveing to work and a near cake disaster. Sophie made us have candles and balloons. Very cute.

Tomorrow is the big announcement for the Sterling silver and paua tree pendant. We will keep you posted. Very exciting!

We are making a few fine tunes to out web site,, which we hope will make the whole experience for our customers, more enjoyable. We hope that you will feel safe and assured of what we do, who we are and comfortable with the experience. Please let us know if you have any suggestions as we are happy to listen.

Until tomorrow... have a great day...

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